Saturday, September 24, 2011


Recently a friend of mine started blogging (I know, we are joining late in the game, but better late than never) and it inspired me to follow suit. I am not really sure what this blog will be about, but I hope you will find the posts to be interesting, stimulating and funny.

So, a little about me. I am a scientist at heart, I approach situations with a skeptical mind and try to base my decisions on empirical data. I try to remove as much emotion and sentiment as possible and I strive to be objective. I love science, so hopefully my science posts will be interesting and not too geeky (no promises though). I also love history, current events, the outdoors, animals, and so much more. I hope to provide you eclectic collection of posts, but feel free to comment, make requests, and criticize.Tell me which posts you love, and which you hate.

So what's up with the name "Daily Mugwumpery?" The official definition of a "mugwump" from Merriam-Webster is, "a person who is independent (as in politics) or who remains undecided or neutral." I consider myself a centrist, both politically and practically. This means that my ideas do not necessarily follow standard political ideologies and that in my daily life I try to see things from all perspective. This does not mean that I flip-flop or change ideas constantly. Basically, it means that I am not a cookie-cutter person who is easily classified. I was introduced to the word "mugwump" by my lovely wife. She said she had a word she wanted to share with me and I could not believe that it was a real word. When I heard the word i though, "that's an awesome word, I gotta put it in my pocket so I can use it later." Unfortunately I never had the chance to use it conversation (that was probably for the best) but when I needed a name for my blog, I knew this was my chance. Voila, it is the name of my blog.

Since there is nothing easier to find than sins among humans, it is almost guaranteed I will offend someone, or voice an idea that you do not agree with. This is great! I welcome new ideas as long as they are honest and well thought out. I put a lot of time into my thoughts, but there must be opinions I have not heard and I welcome them. I just request that we be prepared for the inevitable situation where we must, "agree to disagree." Given an objective and logical argument, I will support an idea even if I was initially opposed to it.

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